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On behalf of the Firebird Victory Bell Club, I would like to thank everyone who helped to make our 2018 Mulch Madness fundraiser a great success.  It was truly amazing to see so many players and parents come together to support this huge effort for our football players.
I would like to extend a special acknowledgment to Coaches Larry Cox, Jeff Wadl, and Izak Tanner.  Your support pushing the players to sell more mulch and volunteering the day of to drive mulch delivery trucks and chase cars was greatly appreciated.  In our main office, thank you to Mr. Elgin Card and Mr. Gary Brockman for your awesome support. Also a special thank you to the behind the scenes people, Darren Walters, Sports Information Director, and Richard Moore, maintenance man extraordinaire.
To our food sponsor, Dave’s Meats. I am truly thankful for your donation of all the sandwiches the volunteers devoured on Saturday. Also, Stan the Donut Man for the great discount on our Saturday morning donuts.
To the many parents, neighbors, school officials, staff, and players that I did not mention by name, thank you.  I promise your efforts and support did not go unnoticed.  I will try to thank you all personally, as the football season commences.
Finally, thank you to the amazing 2018 Mulch Madness committee:   Melissa Amsbaugh, Jenny Walter, Eric Englert, Lisa Hailey, Brian and Melissa Kauffman, Sonia Slomba, Veronica Vyas, Sheryl Rao, Dan Krueger, and Cheri and Matt Kieffer.  Thank you all for your time, effort and support.  I cannot thank you enough for all you did to make sure the 2018 Mulch Madness was a success.
With much appreciation,
Brenda Stafford