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From left to right:  Sush Koppula, Sajan Shah, Kenneth Cao, Anitvir Taunque, Sunitvir Taunque

In a crazy year filled with uncertainty and unknowns, the Lakota West chess team had a solid season and finished very well decorated. The chess team had to battle through an accelerated GMC schedule and quarantine issues to maintain its position as one of the top teams in the GMC. It’s hard to believe that the Firebirds completed a full 9 game schedule and competed in the GMC chess tournament all in 32 days.

Last year, the chess team had their top 5 players that competed in almost every match using the same line-up. This year, the chess team had to rotate several players through their line-up due to quarantine issues. This led to an unfortunate historical note, that saw the Firebirds, for the first time in their 23 year history take on Mason without a full team. But this year’s team took everything in stride and finished the regular season 7-2, only falling to the perennial power teams, Sycamore and Mason.

The Firebirds entered the GMC chess tournament with a firm grasp on third place in the GMC. Unfortunately, the chess team could not improve on this position and ended the year with an overall record of 9-5, good for third place in the GMC. Mason, once again, won the GMC with an unblemished record of 14-0. However, the solid play of this year’s chess team was not without recognition.

Kenneth Cao and Anitvir Taunque were selected to be on first team all-GMC. Sajan Shah was selected to be on 2nd team all-GMC. And Anitvir Taunque was also selected by the GMC coaches to be the GMC PLAYER OF THE YEAR.

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Congratulations on a great season Firebirds!